Are you tired of boring sales velocity on Amazon? Look no further because the solution to your problems lies in the power of keywords!
If reviews are the currency of Amazon, then Amazon keywords are the lifeblood.
That’s right, folks, the key to unlocking thousands of potential sales each month is all in the words you use in your PPC campaigns.
But by including your most relevant keywords in PPC, you can capture every possible impression driving thousands more in revenue each month.
So, before we dive into the magic of keyword relevancy and negative keyword targeting, let’s define these terms for easy understanding.

Keyword relevancy
It refers to using keywords that accurately and effectively describe your product and match the search terms used by consumers.

Negative keyword targeting
On the other hand, Negative keyword targeting is the technique of using keywords for which you don't want your ads to appear because they are irrelevant.
Are you ready to hear about the miracle these two techniques can do for your PPC sales?
Let’s understand with a real-life case study.
Woah, they have shared a screenshot with me (attached in the post) showing they have increased by 50% sales.
We all should appreciate their efforts (You can appreciate them in the comments). I saw that 30 days ago, PPC on this account was generating $3k in sales, and after efforts of the team, the same account is generating $4.5k.
So, there you have it, folks, the secret to increasing your sales on Amazon is all in the keywords.
And, if you’re still not convinced, just remember that a little bit of hard work and dedication can go a long way.
So, go out there and start optimizing your keywords today! And don’t forget to follow us for more valuable learnings every day.

When i took over one Amazon account, it was filled with cash-burning campaigns and a whole host of issues, such as
Several bleeding keywords in each campaign
No negative targeting
No bids’ alignment (Correct is: Broad > Phrase > Exact)
Keyword irrelevancy

After pointing out the issues, i instantly took the following measurements for solving the above-mentioned issues.
- Stopped bleeding keywords
- Optimized bids by doing alignment with the nature of the keyword
- Optimized daily budget
- Improved keyword relevancy by doing negative targeting
- Focused on different match types using good performing keywords
With the help of our specialist team who worked 7 days a week to find the issues and their solutions.
But did this hard work ripe sweet fruits?
Absolutely YES! without further ado, let’s jump over Result part and see how much the team has generated.